Complaints procedure.
Completely Moved is committed to providing home buyers, sellers and homeowners with access to helpful, transparent and efficient property services.
If something does go wrong, we would like to hear about it as soon as possible so we can resolve the problem.
Complaints about solicitors in England and Wales
Solicitors are regulated professionals and are required to set out their formal complaints handling procedure in their terms and conditions. You will have been provided with a copy of the solicitor’s complaints procedure when you initially instructed your solicitor.
If you require another copy of your solicitor's formal complaints policy your solicitor will be able to provide this upon request.
If you wish to make a complaint about your solicitor you should contact your solicitor directly.
If Completely Moved receives a complaint about a solicitor we will ensure that the complaint is forwarded to that solicitor within one working day. In the event that the solicitor is not contactable, we will ensure that the complaint is passed to the respective solicitor's Head of Department.
Your solicitor will deal with your complaint in accordance with their formal complaints procedure. If you are not happy with your solicitor's response then your complaint can be referred to the Legal Ombudsman:
Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6804
Tel (calling from the UK): 0300 555 0333
Tel (calling from overseas): +44 121 245 3050
Complaints about solicitors in Scotland
If you are working with a solicitor based in Scotland, you should follow the solicitor’s complaints procedure as set out in the solicitor’s terms and conditions.
If you are unhappy with your solicitor’s handling of your complaint, the next step is to contact the:
Scottish Legal Complaints Commission
The Stamp Office 10 – 14 Waterloo Place
Legal Post 86,
Edinburgh 2
Tel: 0131 201 2130
Fax: 0131 201 2131
Complaints about Completely Moved
If we have not met your expectations, or if you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, we would like to hear about it as soon as possible.
Our approach to complaint handling is to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. Thereafter we would address the underlying circumstances to help improve service delivery if possible.
If you wish to make a formal complaint please contact us:
We will then follow this procedure:
Complaints received in office hours (Monday to Friday - 8am to 6pm) will be passed to the Complaints Officer on the day of receipt.
Complaints received out of office hours will be passed to the complaints officer on the next working day.
The Complaints Officer will write to you within 5 working days of receipt of your complaint to inform you that your complaint is under review.
We will then write to you within 2 weeks of receipt of the initial complaint with either:
a final response
details as to why the complaint is still under review
If a final response has not yet been issued, within 8 weeks of receipt of a complaint we will write to you with:
a final response
a detailed response explaining why we are still not in a position to make a final response. We will provide reasons for the further delay and an indication of when we expect to be able to provide a final response. We will also inform you of your right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service (for personal Injury matters) or The Legal Ombudsman (for property and all other matters), the time frame for doing so and respective contact details.
For Conveyancing and other Property Legal Matters
Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6804
Tel (calling from the UK): 0300 555 0333
Tel (calling from overseas): +44 121 245 3050
For Property Survey-related Matters
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the internal complaints procedure you are entitled to contact RICS:
RICS Regulation
55 Colmore Row
B3 2AA
Tel: 020 7695 1670
For Finance-related Matters
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the internal complaints procedure you are entitled to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange
E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 023 4567
Fax: 020 7964 1001