Aberystwyth Sold Property Price Summary - January 2025
The average price paid for a property in ABERYSTWYTH in the last 3 months was £241,526, which is £142,118 lower than the national average.
Detached houses sold for an average of £284,850, which is £211,962 lower than the national average.
Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £259,333, which is £74,377 lower than the national average.
Terraced houses sold for an average of £197,000, which is £105,156 lower than the national average.
Aberystwyth Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
16, Ger Y Llan, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3HQ (see map)(see history) | 26/01/24 | £340,000 | FH | |
13, Ger Y Llan, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3HQ (see map)(see history) | 26/01/24 | £277,000 | FH | |
9, Clos Llety Gwyn, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3UH (see map)(see history) | 24/01/24 | £265,000 | FH | |
16, Gerddi Rheidol, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 1DB (see map)(see history) | 23/01/24 | £152,000 | LH | |
6, Clos Morgan, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3GB (see map)(see history) | 17/01/24 | £260,000 | FH | |
6, Clos Sulien, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3GF (see map)(see history) | 15/01/24 | £326,950 | FH | |
2, George Street, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 1QG (see map)(see history) | 12/01/24 | £215,000 | FH | |
1, Padarn Terrace, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3RG (see map)(see history) | 11/01/24 | £177,000 | FH | |
9, Corporation Street, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2BT (see map)(see history) | 10/01/24 | £160,000 | FH | |
13, Corporation Street, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2BT (see map)(see history) | 10/01/24 | £160,000 | FH | |
10, Gogerddan Cottages, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2EX (see map)(see history) | 22/12/23 | £210,000 | FH | |
34, Alexandra Road, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 1LN (see map)(see history) | 21/12/23 | £308,000 | FH | |
Y Gate Cottage, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3JL (see map)(see history) | 20/12/23 | £132,000 | FH | |
2, Clos Gerallt, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3GD (see map)(see history) | 20/12/23 | £205,000 | FH | |
Nant Y Ffynnon, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4HH (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £355,000 | FH | |
Y Nyth, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4NZ (see map)(see history) | 13/12/23 | £263,000 | FH | |
9, Glan Rheidol, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3GG (see map)(see history) | 11/12/23 | £300,000 | FH |
How can I work out what my property in Aberystwyth worth?
HM Land Registry data is only released for completed flats and houses once the conveyancing is completed.
Nationwide, one of the UK's largest mortgage lenders has, since 1952, published market data compiled from mortgage valuations. This Aberystwyth market data is a more recent snapshot but is regionally collated and is far less detailed.
Valuing your home
Using the Aberystwyth historical price data above, find similar properties sold in the same street or area.
You can then adjust the price according to any considerations that can affect an Aberystwyth property's value - e.g. local transport links or new windows.
The next step is to get a free valuation from an Aberystwyth estate agent. Remember that valuations can differ considerably, so it is a good idea to get several, disregard the outliers, and calculate an average.
Local Aberystwyth agents include:
- Aled Ellis Sales Limited - 16 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, SY23 1NP
- Morris Marshall & Poole - 18 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, SY23 1NP
- MS Properties UK Ltd - 23 Chalybeate Street, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, SY23 1HX
If you need a professional valuation e.g. insurance purposes, you could instruct a property valuation from a RICS surveyor.
RICS surveyors in Aberystwyth include:
- Jim Raw-Rees & Co - 1 Chalybeate Street, Aberystwyth, SY23 1HS
- Terence Gallagher Associates - 2 Maeshendre, Aberystwyth, SY23 3PR
- J O Peel & Associates - Bedw Gleision Ysbyty Ystwyth, Aberystwyth, SY25 6DE
For more information: