Bredbury Sold Property Price Summary - February 2025
The average price paid for a property in BREDBURY in the last 3 months was £235,333, which is £146,035 lower than the national average.
Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £250,000, which is £82,822 lower than the national average.
Terraced houses sold for an average of £228,000, which is £71,710 lower than the national average.
Bredbury Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
19, Lyndhurst Avenue, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK6 2AJ (see map)(see history) | 03/01/24 | £235,000 | FH | |
37, Weybourne Drive, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK6 2DN (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £250,000 | LH | |
56, Wild Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK6 2LW (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £221,000 | FH |
What is the easiest way get an accurate valuation of my home in Bredbury?
The Bredbury house prices shown in the tables above are only registered at HMLR after the conveyancing has been carried out and the post-completion tasks have been carried out by the solicitor.
The Halifax Building Society Building Society puts out house price data based on mortgage approvals. This data is a leading indicator and is useful insofar as it gives a more recent picture of the market. However, the information is far less detailed.
Valuing your home
Using the Bredbury price information, look for similar properties sold recently in the same street or area.
You can then adjust the estimated price according to any factors that might affect a property's value, for example modifications to the home or a flood risk.
The next stage is to get a free valuation from an agent in Bredbury. Remember that agent property valuations differ considerably, so you should obtain at least 3 and take an average.
If you require a valuation for more specific reasons for example a matrimonial valuation, you could instruct a RICS surveyor.
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