Bungay Sold Property Price Summary - December 2024
The average price paid for a property in BUNGAY in the last 3 months was £554,200, which is £170,125 higher than the national average.
Detached houses sold for an average of £616,250, which is £119,344 higher than the national average.
Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £306,000, which is £28,638 lower than the national average.
Bungay Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
Cobblers Cottage, Free Lane, Bungay, Norfolk, NR35 2DW (see map)(see history) | 19/01/24 | £306,000 | FH | |
Bridge House, Yarmouth Road, Bungay, Norfolk, NR35 2NZ (see map)(see history) | 05/01/24 | £870,000 | FH | |
62, Tower Mill Road, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1RJ (see map)(see history) | 21/12/23 | £165,000 | FH | |
44, Yarmouth Road, Bungay, Norfolk, NR35 2PE (see map)(see history) | 20/12/23 | £680,000 | FH | |
St Michaels House, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1ND (see map)(see history) | 18/12/23 | £750,000 | FH |
How should I use the HM Land Registry data to estimate the value of my property in Bungay?
HM Land Registry data is only available once a property has completed.
The Halifax Building Society Building Society publish quarterly house price data based on mortgage approvals. These market indices are a more recent snapshot of the market, but offer less detail.
Valuing your home
Using the Bungay price information, above find the same type of property sold recently in the same street or nearby.
You can then adjust the estimated house price based on the things that might affect the value of a house or flat in Bungay, e.g. off street parking or new windows
The next step is to get a free valuation from an estate agent in Bungay. It should be noted that estate agent valuations vary wildly so you should get a few and take an average.
If you require a valuation for more specific reasons e.g. a matrimonial valuation, you could speak to a RICS surveyor.