Chadderton Sold Property Price Summary - January 2025
The average price paid for a property in CHADDERTON in the last 3 months was £192,808, which is £190,837 lower than the national average.
Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £243,417, which is £90,294 lower than the national average.
Terraced houses sold for an average of £157,400, which is £144,756 lower than the national average.
Chadderton Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
78, Shelley Road, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 8HS (see map)(see history) | 19/01/24 | £125,000 | FH | |
22, Ribble Avenue, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 0PN (see map)(see history) | 18/01/24 | £232,500 | LH | |
23, Otley Close, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 8RA (see map)(see history) | 17/01/24 | £180,000 | FH | |
20, Chadderton Park Road, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 0PE (see map)(see history) | 16/01/24 | £178,000 | FH | |
30, Agnes Street, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 8QR (see map)(see history) | 11/01/24 | £119,000 | LH | |
21, Pennine Avenue, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 8PH (see map)(see history) | 05/01/24 | £216,000 | LH | |
72b, Albert Street, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 7HB (see map)(see history) | 20/12/23 | £140,000 | LH | |
2, Marfield Avenue, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 8PN (see map)(see history) | 20/12/23 | £174,000 | LH | |
1028, Middleton Road, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 9RZ (see map)(see history) | 19/12/23 | £130,000 | LH | |
70, Mough Lane, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 9PJ (see map)(see history) | 18/12/23 | £220,000 | FH | |
435, Burnley Lane, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 0BP (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £270,000 | FH | |
4, Woodlea, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 9UT (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £287,000 | LH | |
26, Fold Green, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9 9DX (see map)(see history) | 11/12/23 | £235,000 | LH |
How do I use the data to estimate the value my property in Chadderton?
Sold prices are only available for flats and houses where registration at HMLR has been finalised.
Nationwide, one of the UK's largest mortgage lenders, disclose mortgage application house price data based on mortgage valuations. This data is a leading indicator and is a more recent snapshot but is less granular.
Valuing your home
Using the Chadderton house price data, try to find similar properties sold recently in the same street or nearby.
You can then adjust the valuation according to any factors that add or detract from the value of a home. For instance modifications to the home or new windows.
The next stage is to obtain a valuation from a Chadderton estate agent. It should be noted that estate agent valuations can fluctuate significantly so get 4 if you can, and take an average.
Estate agents in Chadderton include:
- Alistair Stevens - 519 Middleton Road, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 9SH
- Kirkham Property - Melbourne House, 509 Middleton Road, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 9SH
- Ryder & Dutton - 635 Broadway, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 8DN
If you require a professional valuation, for instance for insurance reinstatement costs, you could instruct a RICS surveyor.
For more information: