East Ham Sold Property Price Summary - February 2025
The average price paid for a property in EAST HAM in the last 3 months was £270,000, which is £111,369 lower than the national average.
East Ham Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
Dukes Court, Flat 57, Barking Road, London, Greater London, E6 2LP (see map)(see history) | 20/12/23 | £270,000 | LH |
How can I use the house price data to value my house in East Ham?
The East Ham house prices shown in the tables above are only released when a property has completed.
Nationwide publish quarterly house price data based on mortgage valuations. This house price information is a better proxy of the current market, but the information is less detailed.
Valuing your home
Using the East Ham historical price data above, try to find similar properties that were sold in the same area as yours.
You can then adjust the property's price in line with any considerations than can increase or decrease a property's value, such as decorative order or the property's condition
The next step is to obtain a valuation from an East Ham agent. Remember that agent property valuations can fluctuate significantly so you should get 3 or 4, disregard the outliers, and calculate an average.
Estate agents in East Ham include:
- ARQ Homes - 355-357 Barking Road, East Ham, London, Greater London, E6 1LA
If you require a professional valuation such as a separation, you could speak to a RICS surveyor.
For more information: