Falmouth Sold Property Price Summary - January 2025

The average price paid for a property in FALMOUTH in the last 3 months was £400,438, which is £18,405 higher than the national average.

Detached houses sold for an average of £526,250, which is £30,807 higher than the national average.

Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £282,750, which is £49,566 lower than the national average.

Terraced houses sold for an average of £437,750, which is £137,536 higher than the national average.

Falmouth Sold Property Price Details

25, Pendarves Road, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2TW (see map)(see history)
29/01/24£256,000Semi-detached houseFH
Maritime House, 10, Discovery Quay, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3XA (see map)(see history)
22/01/24£595,000Flat or maisonetteLH
Sea View Court, Flat 22, Sea View Road, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4BZ (see map)(see history)
19/01/24£300,000Flat or maisonetteLH
14, Dracaena Avenue, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2EQ (see map)(see history)
16/01/24£390,000Detached houseFH
Pendra Loweth, 66, Maen Valley, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5BJ (see map)(see history)
12/01/24£190,000Terraced houseLH
7, Passage Hill, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5SN (see map)(see history)
05/01/24£795,000Detached houseFH
7, Arwenack Avenue, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3JW (see map)(see history)
05/01/24£300,000Semi-detached houseFH
11, Noweth Place, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2JW (see map)(see history)
03/01/24£265,000Terraced houseFH
17, Campbeltown Way, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3YE (see map)(see history)
19/12/23£750,000Terraced houseLH
13, East Rise, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4HN (see map)(see history)
18/12/23£230,000Semi-detached houseFH
Roseland View, 23, Apartment 1, Arwenack Street, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3JA (see map)(see history)
15/12/23£260,000Flat or maisonetteLH
17, Western Terrace, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4QN (see map)(see history)
15/12/23£546,000Terraced houseFH
22, Castle View Park, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5HB (see map)(see history)
13/12/23£750,000Detached houseFH
1, Pit Meadow, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4SF (see map)(see history)
13/12/23£345,000Semi-detached houseFH
Pennance Barns, Oak, 1, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5BH (see map)(see history)
12/12/23£170,000Detached houseLH
Homestead Court, Flat 3, North Parade, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2TQ (see map)(see history)
12/12/23£265,000Flat or maisonetteLH

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How do I use the HM Land Registry house price data to estimate the value of my home in Falmouth?

The Falmouth house prices listed above are only registered at HMLR after a property has completed.

The Halifax Building Society, one of the world's largest building societies, puts out house price reports compiled from mortgage approval data. This information is a more recent representation but is less detailed.

Valuing your home

Using the Falmouth price information, above search for comparable properties sold in the same street or area.

You can then adjust the estimated house price based on any points that add or detract from a Falmouth property's value - e.g. planning permissions approved or a risk of flooding.

The next stage is to obtain a valuation from a Falmouth agent. Estate agent valuations differ considerably, so get as many as you can and take an average.

Estate agents in Falmouth include:

  • Kimberleys Independent Estate Agents - 29 Killigrew Street, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3PN
  • Martin & Co (Falmouth) - 7 The Moor, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3QA
  • Townsend Accommodation Limited - Townsend Accomodation, 92 Trevethan Road, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2AX

If you need a valuation for more specific reasons e.g. insurance purposes, you could instruct a RICS surveyor.

Surveyors in Falmouth include:

  • Court Design and Conservation - The Coach House Trevissome, Falmouth, TR11 5TA
  • Enys Surveying Ltd - 5 Bosmeor Close, Falmouth, TR11 4PX
  • Richard Hocking Associates Limited - The Studio, Trevissome Cottage Trevissome, Falmouth, TR11 5TA

For more information:

How to accurately value your home in 4 easy steps

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