Great Missenden Sold Property Price Summary - January 2025
The average price paid for a property in GREAT MISSENDEN in the last 3 months was £675,000, which is £292,967 higher than the national average.
Detached houses sold for an average of £675,000, which is £179,557 higher than the national average.
Great Missenden Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
The Hollies, 33, Wycombe Road, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0NZ (see map)(see history) | 13/12/23 | £675,000 | FH |
What is my home in Great Missenden worth?
The sold prices listed above are only available for houses where registration at HMLR has been finalised.
Nationwide publishes reports compiled from mortgage approval data. This data is a leading indicator and is useful insofar as it gives a more recent picture of the market, but the information is less detailed.
Valuing your home
Using the Great Missenden historical price data above, find the same type of property sold recently in the same street or nearby.
You can then adjust your property's estimated value in line with the factors that have a bearing on the value of a house or flat in Great Missenden, e.g. decorative order or the property's condition
The next step is to request a valuation from a Great Missenden agent. Be aware that estate agent valuations differ considerably, so it is a good idea to get several and take an average.
Agents in Great Missenden include:
- Jeremy Swan - 64 High Street, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0AN
- The JNP Partnership - Smithfield House, 149 High Street, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 9HF
- Wye Country - 120 High Street, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 9HD
- Wye Country - 36b High Street, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0AU
If you need an official valuation e.g. a Red Book Valuation, you could appoint a RICS surveyor.
For more information: