Hazel Grove Sold Property Price Summary - January 2025
The average price paid for a property in HAZEL GROVE in the last 3 months was £291,200, which is £92,444 lower than the national average.
Detached houses sold for an average of £414,333, which is £82,479 lower than the national average.
Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £327,667, which is £6,044 lower than the national average.
Terraced houses sold for an average of £225,000, which is £77,156 lower than the national average.
Hazel Grove Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
23, Beaumaris Crescent, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 5NG (see map)(see history) | 18/01/24 | £325,000 | FH | |
35, Grove Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 4JW (see map)(see history) | 17/01/24 | £238,000 | FH | |
Delamere Lodge, 68, Flat 4, Chester Road, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 5NY (see map)(see history) | 12/01/24 | £110,000 | LH | |
1, Rydal Avenue, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 5AW (see map)(see history) | 12/01/24 | £420,000 | FH | |
Hampson Court, 104, Apartment 21, Commercial Road, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 4BP (see map)(see history) | 03/01/24 | £167,500 | LH | |
43, Carlton Place, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 6AG (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £183,500 | LH | |
8, Deva Close, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 6HH (see map)(see history) | 14/12/23 | £524,000 | LH | |
30, Hazel Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 4JR (see map)(see history) | 14/12/23 | £225,000 | FH | |
91, Hazelwood Road, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 4NB (see map)(see history) | 13/12/23 | £370,000 | FH | |
112, Hazelwood Road, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 4NB (see map)(see history) | 13/12/23 | £349,000 | FH |
How do I use the HM Land Registry house price data to estimate the value of my home in Hazel Grove?
HM Land Registry data is only released for completed flats and houses once the conveyancing is completed.
The Nationwide Building Society has, since 1952 (quarterly since 1993), released figures put together from mortgage approval figures. This Hazel Grove house price data is a better indication of current market conditions, but is regionally collated and is far less detailed.
Valuing your home
Using the Hazel Grove house price data, try to find similar properties sold in the same street or area.
You can then adjust the estimated value of your property based on the factors that might affect the value of a home in Hazel Grove, e.g. the size of the garden or the property's condition.
The next step is to request a valuation from a Hazel Grove agent. Remember that estate agent valuations can differ considerably, so you should get 3 or 4, ignore very high or low valuations and take an average.
Agents in Hazel Grove include:
- Edward Mellor - 182 London Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 4DQ
- Ian Tonge Property Services - 176-178 London Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 4DJ
- Snapes Estate Agents - 151 London Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 4HH
- Woodhall Properties - Woodhall Properties, 184 London Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 4DQ
If you require a formal valuation e.g. a Red Book Valuation, you could instruct a property valuation from a RICS surveyor.
Further reading: