Jarrow Sold Property Price Summary - February 2025

The average price paid for a property in JARROW in the last 3 months was £122,327, which is £259,042 lower than the national average.

Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £175,817, which is £157,006 lower than the national average.

Terraced houses sold for an average of £111,500, which is £188,210 lower than the national average.

Jarrow Sold Property Price Details

93, Leicester Way, Jarrow, Tyne And Wear, NE32 4XT (see map)(see history)
26/01/24£54,000Flat or maisonetteLH
36, Russell Street, Jarrow, Tyne And Wear, NE32 3AW (see map)(see history)
17, Palmer Walk, Jarrow, Tyne And Wear, NE32 3PT (see map)(see history)
12/01/24£138,000Terraced houseFH
114, Northbourne Road, Jarrow, Tyne And Wear, NE32 5JR (see map)(see history)
03/01/24£85,000Terraced houseFH
3, Glenside, Jarrow, Tyne And Wear, NE32 4PQ (see map)(see history)
19/12/23£127,500Semi-detached houseFH
99, Northbourne Road, Jarrow, Tyne And Wear, NE32 5JR (see map)(see history)
15/12/23£99,950Semi-detached houseFH
21, Cheviot Road, Jarrow, Tyne And Wear, NE32 5NT (see map)(see history)
15/12/23£300,000Semi-detached houseLH

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How can I use the HM Land Registry house price data to estimate the value of my property in Jarrow?

HM Land Registry data is only available once the solicitor has completed the conveyancing process and the registration formalities are concluded.

The Nationwide Building Society has, since 1952 (quarterly since 1993), published market data compiled from mortgage valuations. This data is a more recent representation but is less granular.

Valuing your home

Using the Jarrow price information, locate similar properties sold in the same street or area.

You should then be able to fine-tune your estimated price according to any points that add or detract from the value of a property in Jarrow - for instance the length of the lease or modern central heating.

The next stage is to get a valuation from an agent in Jarrow. Bear in mind that agent valuations can vary wildly, so get at least 3 and take an average.

If you need an official valuation, for example for insurance or probate purposes, you could appoint a residential RICS surveyor.


How to accurately value your home in 4 easy steps

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