Kirkham Sold Property Price Summary - December 2024

The average price paid for a property in KIRKHAM in the last 3 months was £130,263, which is £253,813 lower than the national average.

Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £269,300, which is £65,338 lower than the national average.

Terraced houses sold for an average of £82,500, which is £220,073 lower than the national average.

Kirkham Sold Property Price Details

The Crossroads, Apartment 6, Freckleton Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 2SB (see map)(see history)
21/12/23£82,500Flat or maisonetteLH
82, Freckleton Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 2SP (see map)(see history)
20/12/23£86,750Flat or maisonetteLH
5, Stanley Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 2UN (see map)(see history)
13/12/23£82,500Terraced houseFH
4, Vale Royal, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 2YU (see map)(see history)
11/12/23£269,300Semi-detached houseFH

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How should I use the HM Land Registry data to value my property in Kirkham?

HM Land Registry data is only available for completed homes.

The Natiowide Building Society publishes quarterly house price reports compiled from mortgage approval data. This data is a leading indicator and is a more recent picture but is much less detailed than HM Land Registry data.

Valuing your home

Using the Kirkham price information, try to find similar properties sold recently in the same street or nearby.

You should then be able to fine-tune your estimated valuation according to any factors that have a bearing on the value of a house or flat in Kirkham, for instance local transport links or the property's view.

The next step is to obtain a valuation from a Kirkham estate agent. Estate agent valuations differ considerably, so get as many as you can and take an average.

Local Kirkham estate agents include:

  • Mi home Estate Agents - 8 Poulton Street, Kirkham, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 2AB

If you need a formal valuation, for instance insurance purposes, you could appoint a residential RICS surveyor.

For more information:

How to accurately value your home in 4 easy steps

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