Little Lever Sold Property Price Summary - February 2025

The average price paid for a property in LITTLE LEVER in the last 3 months was £118,000, which is £263,369 lower than the national average.

Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £165,000, which is £167,822 lower than the national average.

Terraced houses sold for an average of £110,000, which is £189,710 lower than the national average.

Little Lever Sold Property Price Details

8, First Avenue, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL3 1DG (see map)(see history)
16/01/24£110,000Terraced houseFH
45, Danecroft, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL3 1LL (see map)(see history)
19/12/23£79,000Flat or maisonetteLH
18, Duxbury Avenue, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL3 1PX (see map)(see history)
12/12/23£165,000Semi-detached houseLH

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What is the easiest way get an accurate valuation of my property in Little Lever?

The data above is only released for completed flats and houses once the conveyancing is completed.

Nationwide, one of the UK's largest mortgage lenders, has, since 1952 (quarterly since 1993), published market data compiled from mortgage valuations. This market report is a more recent snapshot but is regionally collated and is far less detailed.

Valuing your home

Using the Little Lever price information, above find comparable properties sold recently in the same street or nearby.

You can then adjust the price in line with any aspects that affect a Little Lever property's value - such as a large garden or local crime rate.

The next step is to request a valuation from an estate agent in Little Lever. Estate agent valuations can fluctuate significantly so you should get a few, disregard the outliers, and calculate an average.

If you need to get an official valuation, such as for Help to Buy, you could appoint a RICS surveyor.

For more information:

How to accurately value your home in 4 easy steps

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