Lutterworth Sold Property Price Summary - February 2025
The average price paid for a property in LUTTERWORTH in the last 3 months was £301,500, which is £79,869 lower than the national average.
Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £317,000, which is £15,822 lower than the national average.
Terraced houses sold for an average of £255,000, which is £44,710 lower than the national average.
Lutterworth Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
The Garlands, Ashby Lane, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4SQ (see map)(see history) | 30/01/24 | £465,000 | FH | |
69, Woodmarket, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4BY (see map)(see history) | 24/01/24 | £300,000 | FH | |
5, Bennetts Hill, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 5JJ (see map)(see history) | 10/01/24 | £255,000 | FH | |
32, New Street, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4PQ (see map)(see history) | 20/12/23 | £186,000 | FH |
How can I value my property in Lutterworth?
The Lutterworth house prices listed above are only available when the conveyancing has been carried out and the property has been registered at HMLR.
The Halifax Building Society Building Society publish quarterly house price reports compiled from mortgage approval data. This data is more current but is much less detailed than HM Land Registry data.
Valuing your home
Using the Lutterworth historical price data above, try to locate comparable properties sold recently in the same street or nearby.
You can then adjust the estimate based on any aspects that might affect a Lutterworth property's value - such as school catchment areas or a conservatory.
The next step is to get a free valuation from an agent in Lutterworth. Be aware that agent valuations can vary so get as many as you can, disregard the outliers, and calculate an average.
Estate agents in Lutterworth include:
- Howkins & Harrison - 12a, Market Street, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4EH
- Thorps Residential Sales & Lettings - 11 Crossways House, Lutterworth Road, Blaby, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE8 4DD
If you need a formal valuation, such as for shared equity, you could instruct a RICS surveyor.