Middlesex Sold Property Price Summary - January 2025
Middlesex Sold Property Price Details
Sorry, no data available for this location.
What is the best way to value my house in Middlesex?
The sold prices listed above are only published when the solicitor has completed the conveyancing process and the registration formalities are concluded.
The Halifax Building Society Building Society also publishes reports compiled from mortgage approval data. This house price information is a more recent representation but is far less detailed.
Valuing your home
Using the Middlesex historical price data above, try to locate comparable properties sold recently in the same street or nearby.
You can then adjust the estimate according to any considerations that might affect a Middlesex property's value - e.g. off street parking or the property's view.
The next stage is to request a valuation from a Middlesex estate agent. Bear in mind that valuations can vary so you should obtain at least 3, disregard the outliers, and calculate an average.
If you need a formal valuation e.g. for tax purposes, you could appoint a RICS surveyor.