Prenton Sold Property Price Summary - December 2024
The average price paid for a property in PRENTON in the last 3 months was £192,731, which is £191,344 lower than the national average.
Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £240,700, which is £93,938 lower than the national average.
Terraced houses sold for an average of £230,000, which is £72,573 lower than the national average.
Prenton Sold Property Price Details
Address | Date | Amount | Type | Tenure |
2, Tabley Close, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 2LB (see map)(see history) | 17/01/24 | £220,000 | FH | |
10, Christleton Close, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 0XF (see map)(see history) | 15/01/24 | £275,000 | FH | |
14, Maplewood Grove, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 7FE (see map)(see history) | 15/01/24 | £162,000 | FH | |
Vyner Court, 11, Vyner Close, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 7XL (see map)(see history) | 04/01/24 | £232,000 | LH | |
8, Calveley Close, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 2NE (see map)(see history) | 04/01/24 | £96,500 | FH | |
Homebank House, 1, 37a, Bidston Road, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 2GB (see map)(see history) | 03/01/24 | £85,000 | LH | |
56, Flat 11, Christleton Close, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 0XF (see map)(see history) | 19/12/23 | £175,000 | LH | |
184, Prenton Hall Road, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 3BL (see map)(see history) | 19/12/23 | £230,000 | FH | |
The Garth, 11, Flat 2, Waterford Road, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 6US (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £230,000 | LH | |
Howbeck Court, 63, Flat 10, Bidston Road, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 6UJ (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £45,000 | LH | |
110, Shrewsbury Road, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 8SP (see map)(see history) | 15/12/23 | £450,000 | FH | |
2, Eversley Park, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 5XA (see map)(see history) | 14/12/23 | £169,000 | LH | |
Bishops Court, 8, Flat 2, Storeton Road, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 5XG (see map)(see history) | 14/12/23 | £136,000 | LH |
How do I use the HM Land Registry house price data to estimate the value of my house in Prenton?
The data above is only available for properties where registration at HMLR has been finalised.
Nationwide, one of the UK's largest mortgage lenders, publish a quarterly house price index based on mortgage approvals. These house price indices are more recent but are less granular.
Valuing your home
Using the Prenton price information, try to locate similar properties sold recently in the same street or area.
You should then be able to fine-tune your estimate in line with any factors than can increase or decrease a Prenton property's value - such as decorative order or a conservatory.
The next step is to get a free valuation from an agent in Prenton. Remember that estate agent valuations can vary wildly, so get 4 if you can, and take an average.
If you require a formal valuation, such as for Shared Ownership, you could appoint a RICS surveyor.
Further reading: