Ulverston Sold Property Price Summary - December 2024

The average price paid for a property in ULVERSTON in the last 3 months was £253,500, which is £130,575 lower than the national average.

Detached houses sold for an average of £260,000, which is £236,906 lower than the national average.

Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £288,000, which is £46,638 lower than the national average.

Terraced houses sold for an average of £218,833, which is £83,739 lower than the national average.

Ulverston Sold Property Price Details

35, Birkett Drive, Ulverston, Westmorland And Furness, LA12 9LS (see map)(see history)
09/01/24£370,000Detached houseFH
2, Sandhall Cottages, Ulverston, Westmorland And Furness, LA12 9EH (see map)(see history)
04/01/24£216,500Terraced houseFH
Ironworks, Apartment S14, Ironworks Road, Ulverston, Westmorland And Furness, LA12 8RF (see map)(see history)
18/12/23£310,000Flat or maisonetteLH
4, Sunderland Terrace, Ulverston, Westmorland And Furness, LA12 7JY (see map)(see history)
18/12/23£200,000Terraced houseFH
3, Low Farm Close, Ulverston, Westmorland And Furness, LA12 0NZ (see map)(see history)
15/12/23£240,000Terraced houseFH
10, Meadowside, Ulverston, Westmorland And Furness, LA12 0XD (see map)(see history)
13/12/23£150,000Detached houseFH
66, Mountbarrow Road, Ulverston, Westmorland And Furness, LA12 9NS (see map)(see history)
12/12/23£288,000Semi-detached houseFH

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How should I use the HM Land Registry data to estimate the value my home in Ulverston?

HM Land Registry data is only available when the conveyancing process is complete and the property has been registered at HM Land Registry.

Nationwide disclose mortgage application house price data based on mortgage approvals. This data is a leading indicator and is useful insofar as it gives a more recent picture of the market. However, the information is summarised and is far less granular.

Valuing your home

Using the Ulverston price information, search for the same type of property sold recently in the same street or area.

You can then adjust the price in line with the factors that can affect the value of a house or flat in Ulverston, for example high service charges or a flood risk.

The next step is to get a free valuation from an Ulverston estate agent. Bear in mind that agent valuations can differ considerably, so you should obtain at least 3, disregard the outliers, and calculate an average.

Local Ulverston estate agents include:

  • Corrie and Co - 14 King Street, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7DZ
  • Ross Estate Agencies - 25 King Street, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7DZ

If you require an official valuation for example probate, you could instruct a RICS surveyor.

Surveyors in Ulverston include:

  • Harrison Coward - County Square, Ulverston, LA12 7AB
  • Harrison Coward - Ulverston Auction Mart Plc North Lonsdale Terrace, ULVERSTON, LA12 9AU
  • Charles Dixon Property Consultants Ltd - 17 Town Bank Road, Ulverston, LA12 7DR
  • Whittaker & Co Independent Ltd - The Estate Office Fiddler Hall, Ulverston, LA12 8NQ

Further reading:

How to accurately value your home in 4 easy steps

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