Poynton Sold Property Price Summary - February 2025

The average price paid for a property in POYNTON in the last 3 months was £465,083, which is £83,715 higher than the national average.

Detached houses sold for an average of £601,000, which is £104,315 higher than the national average.

Semi-detached houses sold for an average of £397,125, which is £64,303 higher than the national average.

Poynton Sold Property Price Details

48, Beech Crescent, Stockport, Cheshire East, SK12 1AP (see map)(see history)
18/01/24£677,000Detached houseFH
6, Hardwicke Road, Stockport, Cheshire East, SK12 1BJ (see map)(see history)
12/01/24£525,000Detached houseLH
24, Holly Road, Stockport, Cheshire East, SK12 1PB (see map)(see history)
08/01/24£437,500Semi-detached houseFH
45, Shrigley Road South, Stockport, Cheshire East, SK12 1TF (see map)(see history)
05/01/24£325,000Semi-detached houseFH
31, Fielding Avenue, Stockport, Cheshire East, SK12 1YX (see map)(see history)
19/12/23£422,000Semi-detached houseLH
190, Chester Road, Stockport, Cheshire East, SK12 1HJ (see map)(see history)
11/12/23£404,000Semi-detached houseFH

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How can I get an accurate valuation of my house in Poynton?

The data above are only published when the conveyancing process is complete and the post-completion tasks have been carried out by the solicitor.

Nationwide, the world's largest building society has, since 1952, published house price data compiled from mortgage valuations. This Poynton market data is more recent but is less granular.

Valuing your home

Using the Poynton price information, try to find similar properties sold in the same street or area.

You can then adjust the price in line with the things that affect a Poynton property's value - for instance planning permissions approved or a flood risk.

The next step is to obtain a valuation from a Poynton agent. Estate agent valuations can fluctuate significantly so it is a good idea to get several and take an average.

Estate agents in Poynton include:

  • Gascoigne Halman - 3 Fountain Place, Poynton, Cheshire, SK12 1QX
  • Lawler and Company Limited - 60 Park Lane, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 1RE
  • Richard Lowth & Company - 6 London Road North, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 1QZ
  • Snapes Estate & Letting Agents - 1 Park Lane, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 1RD

If you need to get a formal valuation, for instance for a capital gains tax calculation, you could speak to a RICS surveyor.

For more information:

How to accurately value your home in 4 easy steps

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